Want to grow your Coaching, Consulting or Service Business on scale?


We will help you to reach your desired goal with our DFY, Convert Audience to Clients System

Go from Inconsistent Leads, Sales & Business to Generating 300-500 High Quality Inbound Leads, Appointments & SALES in your target Market


Our Agency Partner : Adninja Professionals

Lets start working together and scale it to next level

Generate consistent LEADS & SALE, SCALE your business within next 90 days

Train The Trainer Facebook Ad Results

Training Instution Google Ad Results

Ed-TECH Start-Up Facebook Ads

Journaling Coach Making More than 2X ROI working with us in the FIRST month itself

Profitable even with the registration fees for her 5 Days Boot Camp

Crazy Results for Real Estate Coach

Get Similar kind of crazy results for your business too!

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Lets start working together and scale it to next level

Generate consistent LEADS & SALE, SCALE your business within next 90 days

Let's hear from our clients

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Me and my expert team is here to help you!

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Let's have a look on a few landing pages we have delivered to our clients

There are lot's more we have delivered

Let's have a look on few other Case Studies!

Marriage Coach Facebook Ad Results

Car Washing & Polishing Service FB Ads

Generating Leads for Training Institution

Working from Scratch we made Acting training coach in profit within 1.5 months

Crazy Results for Finance Coach

A few more winning Facebook Ads Results!

Real Estate Facebook Ads results

7% Conversion Rate even in the Covid Period

I was appointed to manage Facebook ads for the brand and generate as many leads as possible at a time when investing in real estate was almost stopped (within corona crisis).

I ran Facebook Lead generation ads for them and generated over 500 leads within 2 months. Though the cost per result for that brand was little high for covid, I found they were able to close around 7% of those real estate leads.

facebook ad results

600+ Leads For Philippines Based Real-estate Agent

real estate facebook ads 2

The goal of this Real Estate broking firm of Makati, Phillippines was to generate quality enquary to sell real estate properties and recruit candidates for their office work.

They were looking for a quality real estate leads to sell properties of a prestigious real estate brand of Phillippines. Their basic problem was that they could not target the right set of audience.

I targeted the right set of audiences and generated quality 600+ leads for them with an average of 25 per lead.

Coaching Business Facebook Ads results

300+ Enrollments For Coaching Institution

The goal of this coaching institution was to get more students in their coaching institution.

For that this I targeted the students based on their age group, demographics and parents of those students. Generated over 3700 leads for the institution.

They ware able to close over 100+ students for offline and 220+ students for online.

coaching institution facebook ads result

5% Conversion in High Ticket Coaching Institution

aviation training institution facebppk ads

The goal of this Airhostess, Flight attended, Cabin Crew, Hospitality management training institution was also to increase students in their institution.

While operating the tasks for them I found their social media presence could also help them to get more students, so with Facebook ads I posted some quality content to generate student inquery from social media also.

Generated more than 120+ leads for them and among those leads its was over 5% closing rate they got.

Yoga School Results

The goal of this following yoga coaching institution was to make the visibility in front of health-conscious people, make brand awareness, and increase more students in their institution. I approached an omnipresence marketing strategy for them and as a part of social media ads, I run Facebook and Instagram ads to generate more leads for them.

yoga training facebook ads

Online Course Selling Start-up

Following are the results of a online course selling startup.

Their requirement was to sell courses thorough their paid and free webinar, and for that they need leads

onvid fb ad 1
onvid fb ad 2
onvid fb ad 3
onvid fb ad 4

Want to generate such crazy results?

Me and my expert team is here to help you!

Lets start working together 

Generate consistent LEADS & SALE, to SCALE your business within next 90 days

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